April 18, 2009

The Silver Lining

So I like to ride my motorcycle. Quite a bit. However, there are times when it is just not that much fun to be on a motorcycle. Like that weird time just around dusk when you can't se your headlight yet, but it really isn't bright enough to see well by natural light. Or when it rains. Or when there are storms in the area and you really should have left earlier to beat them home. Regardless, it appears that with some things, three or four wrongs CAN make a ride.

Today began pretty mundanely. Lots of housework, predictions of rain, the kids ready for a long Saturday of video games and monopoly. Things began to look up when Drew asked to try riding his Yamaha PW-50 without training wheels for the first time. We went out to my father-in-law's and Drew performed like a champ. It rained for a while, but soon passed. We stayed longer than we should have, as storms began moving in from the west.

As I rode the first half of the way home behind the minivan, it began to rain on me. The sun was setting, and visibility was not so great. But between the great fun we had with the kids today, and the awe-inspiring natural laser light show that the thunderstorms were providing all around me, the ride home was one of the most rewarding I have yet experienced. I would never have seen the things I saw, or smelled what I smelled, had I not been in the soaking rain on my KLR tonight. Nor would I have stopped with the family and scarfed down a smothered chicken fried steak at the McLoud Cafe to wait the storm out.

So folks, if you look for it, there is a silver lining. Enjoy pictures of our day here.

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