November 2, 2008

ARTAT: Farmee's first Mororcycle Camping trip.

After getting my first bike in years, the venerable Kawasaki KLR-650, some friends and I decided to ride across Arkansas from our homes in central and eastern Oklahoma, and make the ride back on dirt/gravel/logging roads. Here is Scott's Suzuki DR-650 along with the KiLleR as we prepared to leave for Tulsa to meet up with Gary and Jason.

The weather was great for the entire trip, except just before we found our first night's campsite. We had to find a dry spot for a while.

On to the first night's camping, although I think the tent picture is from night 2.

The next day it was some pavement, then off to the national forests for the Arkansas portion of the Trans American Trail (motorcycle version). Okay, and let's be honest...this trip was taken in mid-September, 2008. I am posting this in early November. I have no idea what the chronological order of the next few pictures are, so here:

Above you'll see Gary's bad ass KTM 990 Adventure next to Jason's CBR600 (rr?). Below, Gary negotiates a narrow section of Warloop road

Here's Scott (below) and our heavily loaded chick-magnets. I mean after a couple of days on these bad boys, it was hard to even get through the crowds of groupies to get some gas!

The scenery in northern Arkansas near the White and Buffalo Rivers is amazing! In AR, this is a creek, in OK I think we name these and call them rivers.

The ride was just chock full of great hills and rocky outcroppings.

What are YOU lookin' at?

Going to town on night 2. I was hot from the day's ride, so I zipped my pants into "shoinks". Then someone suggested a photo-op, so I got a little of the Captain in me.

And finally - How to Mount a Heavily Loaded KLR:

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